
Our current regular services are as follows:

8 am – BCP Communion. Two early morning Said Communion services will be held each month. These are held on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month.

10 am – Parish Eucharist. This is our core weekly service.
On the 1st Sunday of each month (apart from August), a Choral Eucharist is held, where the Church Choir are joined by the Norbury Singers.

6 pm – Evensong. Two evensong services are held each month, on the 2nd and 4th Sundays.
Occasionally, a Choral Evensong is held, where the Church Choir are joined by the Norbury Singers.  


Tuesdays to Fridays:
9 am – Morning Prayer
in the Norbury Chapel.

10 am – Mattins
in Church followed by coffee in the Hall.

Please see the current edition of our Pew Sheet for further information.

Special Services