St Mary's Church

Stoke D'Abernon, Surrey

Hiring the Church HallHiring the Church Hall
Music & Concerts

Service Times -


Our current regular services are as follows:

8 a.m. BCP Communion. Two early morning Said Commuion services will be held each month. These are held on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month.

10 a.m. Parish Eucharist. This is our core weekly service. However on the 1st Sunday in each month we will have a Choral Eucharist sung with our Norbury Singers

6 p.m. Choral Evensong. Two evensong services are held each month.   These are held on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month.  


Tuesdays to Fridays : 9 am Morning Prayers in the Norby Chapel

Wednesdays: 10am Holy Communion

Thursdays: 10 am Mattins in Church followed by coffee in the Hall

For more detail on our services see our  Pew Sheets

Community Activities- see current Pew Sheet for for latest details

Chair Yoga                  Mondays at 10.15 

Mothers and Others  Thursdays at 10.30 –  playgroup-meets weekly.

Parish Lunches-         Occasionally

Spud suppers             1st Monday of the month (not April, August or December)

Discussion Group      meets monthly.

Concerts                      Details of our concerts can be found on the pewsheet

The Queenes Chappell For latest details see our Pews Sheets





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St Mary's Church Location

St Mary's Church
Stoke Road, Stoke D'Abernon, Surrey KT11 3PX